SEMINAR INVITATION - How much energy are you spending on energy management?

The resolution of the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference in Paris challenges us to save even more energy in the future. Would you like to hear and discuss about the freshest ideas in the systematic management of property energy efficiency, about the tools to make it simpler, and cost saving opportunities?

Eneron Ltd. invites you to join us and meet our partners in our energy management seminar in Otaniemi (Innopoli 2, Tekniikantie 14) on Thursday, February 11, 2016, from 8.30 am to 12.00 am. After the morning coffee, we will have presentations regarding Buildings Internet of Things (BIoT) technologies, Eneron’s advanced cloud computing energy management solutions, and the latest studies about the effective modelling of property portfolio energy consumption.

Enroll in by sending an email to Timi Mara (, please. Welcome!

#energiatehokkuus #energiajohtaminen #seminar #invitation #energymanagement #BIoT
